Join parents, teachers, and researchers interested in math circles for two live, highly interactive online events. Week 1: Julia Brodsky will give a brief introduction to the Art of Inquiry project, its math circles, and the Open Minds book. Week 2: Julia Brodsky will discuss preliminary summaries from the Open Minds course. During both events, course participants and guests from the Math Future network will stir the discussions with questions, answers, and suggestions. The goal is to inspire, to share know-how, and to exchange resources about problem-solving.
Before the event, read this: Math circle philosophy and teaching suggestions.
Week 1 event
Here is the full recording of the event. You need Java to play it. The download progress bar and the Play button are at the bottom of the screen.
Here are some of the questions we discussed during the event.
Week 2 event
Answer by Goya55 · Dec 05, 2013 at 04:21 AM
I missed the event. Hopefully we can watch a recording. My question is "how do you help kids over come the mindset of "'I am bad at math'" and well I guess I am late to ask for this week so I will just wait and see if I can watch a recording instead of live.
We will have another event next Friday - there are sure to be more questions as people work through the course! The good news is that several of the questions participants asked yesterday are very close to what you want to know. It's one of the fundamental worries for all of us!
Week 2 Group 5: Infinity 2 Answers
Week 2 Group 6: Symmetry 0 Answers
Week 2 Group 7: Lateral Solutions 1 Answer
Week 2 Group 8: Game Festival 1 Answer
Week 1 Task 1: Introduction and preparation 39 Answers