At the event
Join the open, free online event in the Math Future series at Natural Math. Dr. Keith Still of will introduce his Crowd Sciences work: "If you don't do the maths, you could end up in court on a manslaughter charge!" Come and listen to a short presentation, chat with like-minded people in the audience, and pose questions for Keith.
Questions and comments
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Crowd Modelling + Crowd Monitoring + Crowd Management = Safer Crowds
Crowd Modelling is the scientific approach to the development of safe, robust crowd management plans. This can be achieved without the need for expensive, complex, time consuming computer simulations. In simple terms Crowd Modelling is understanding how, where, when, and why crowds arrive, move around, and leave events or venues. The majority of this can be accomplished using tried, tested, and simple to apply methodologies.
"Keith Still is what I term an intuitive mathematician. He is one of the most creative and original thinkers that I know. He adds drive and determination, as well as considerable intellectual power to any group of which he is a part... His intuition for subtle patterns of behaviour in complex data is impressive, the best I've ever seen.” - Prof. Ian Stewart, Fellow of the Royal Society.
About Keith Still
Prof. Dr. G. Keith Still has always been a mathematician, and he has always enjoyed music. It was while standing in a queue for a rock concert 20 years ago that these two interests collided to produce one of those classic ‘lightbulb’ moments. In that moment his thinking crystallised and a new branch of applied science was born - his PhD (Crowd Dynamics) has had over 60,000 downloads since publication (available on this site). Since that moment he has focussed on his academic and professional career on understanding and developing crowd sciences. He is considered the world expert in his chosen field, and his initial interest in crowd sciences has developed into a lifelong passion for public safety. At the same time the global appetite for large scale public events has grown, making the crowd sciences (modelling sites, behaviour, movement, developing crowd management plans) indispensable to the events, sports and entertainment world. The last two decades were focussed on helping others understand crowds. His lectures, courses and workshops take event professionals and police officers through every step of preparation and execution of an event and the development of a robust crowd management plan. The delegates even learn to enjoy the maths! He also provides expert witness advice to the legal profession and has testified to the USA Senate House Committee. With his appointment at both Bucks New University and Manchester Metropolitan University as the Professor of Crowd Science, he extends the teaching and training experience onto eLearning platforms.
About Math Future series
Math Future is an international network of people who care about mathematics education: researchers, developers, teachers, parents, and students. Since 2009, we have organized more than a hundred live online events with leaders of amazing projects.
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