Answer by Maria Droujkova , Make math your own, to make your own math · Apr 12, 2018 at 05:50 PM
I know local programs for soroban exist around at different locations around the world. There are several types:
Would you be interested in a soroban math circle online? If so, what kind? We can talk about organizing one at Natural Math.
I am searching for a program in Atlanta metro area that focuses on the following:
Would you be interested in a soroban math circle online? Yes, if possible If so, what kind? We can talk about organizing one at Natural Math. The focus would be on the items above. Thanks very much.
I would try Asian weekend or evening schools for fluent soroban. For modeling with soroban, Emory Math Circle might ran a workshop or session, because they have the talent to know how. Here is there contact information to run the idea by them:
Please email so we can discuss an online workshop. I'll send you some questions about time, ages, etc. and we can take it from there.