Welcome to Group 6! Participants: @shurma, @MochaMom, @marianahopkins, @tiffany.
Follow the link, then select File-Download - Symmetry.
Please note this is a draft. We will professionally illustrate and copy-edit after including the feedback from this course.
You will be replying to this topic twice: before and after you lead your math circle.
Reply 1 (before the math circle). Write down your guesses of how the children will respond to each problem or activity in the topic.
Lead the math circle on the topic.
Reply 2 (after the math circle). Tell a story of your activity.
Ask students if they like even or odd numbers more, and why. Write down the statistics of your group.
What was different from your predictions, and why?
How did it feel for you? What were your sources of confusion, joy, frustration, wonder, etc.?
How did it feel for your students? What worked, what did not?
How did this experience change the way you teach? How did it help?
Weeks 1 and 2 live online events 1 Answer
Week 2 Group 1 - Introduction Problems: A Sampler 3 Answers
Week 1 Task 3: Pose questions about running Math Circles 8 Answers
Week 2 Group 2 - Strange Statements: Logic 3 Answers
Resources for Open Minds 2 Answers