Hi, do you have an idea of active "participants" of natural math by geography? Looking ot join or start a math circle meet-up in Ottawa, Canada -- I have a toddler (and a math degree)
Answer by Maria Droujkova , Make math your own, to make your own math · Jun 13, 2018 at 12:49 PM
It's awesome that you'd like to start a young child math circle! I have seen lovely toddler playgroups ran by parents. If you use FB, we have a group with an active Canada population. I see you are already a member! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1001mathcircles/
I see a couple of Ontario circles in this directory: http://www.mathcircles.org/find/ But Google tells me there are more.
With a young child, it might be more practical if you start with a couple of like-minded friends, essentially as a recurring math playdate.