I'm looking for folks with experience in the joy of math/natural math/russian math/mathpickle approach for my 5 y old gifted kid, in Windsor, ON, Canada. Preferably certified by the Ontario College of Teachers. Unfortunately the drills of Kumon math have caused some boredom, it appeared more rote learning as opposed to creative play and tinkering, so we discontinued it after a while. I was hoping to find someone or some group near me who is dedicated and has similar views as Natural Math and this influential book I came across recently:
The closest math circle I found was in UWaterloo for higher grades - but that's about 3 hours away. I'm looking for an experienced tutor or a math circle that meets 3 days a week in the afternoon with someone who is experienced in this and understands sound math pedagogy.
Answer by Maria Droujkova , Make math your own, to make your own math · Aug 26, 2019 at 01:49 PM
Thank you for your interest! I am a big fan of Zvonkin's book as well. You might have more success asking in the local parenting/homeschool groups, or maybe our 1001 Circles, if you do Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1001mathcircles/ Another source may be University of Windsor department: they may recommend a good graduate student as a tutor, or maybe a professor does that, such as http://www1.uwindsor.ca/math/byung-kyu-chun (active in Math Circles). You can also search for people involved in Math Olympiads and other competitions - they usually know of local groups, circles, and creative tutors. I hope that helps.
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