Transformers: Matrices & Graphs!
Give your children the true power of linear algebra – with a pencil and some graph paper!

Transforming Shapes camp makes algebra happen right before your eyes! When your child actually sees math in action, it can transform their attitude and understanding of the subject. Usually this type of math is reserved for a quick visit in high school or college algebra, but Don Cohen and Shelley Nash made it a delight for all ages to play around with graphs and matrices!
Transformers camp will introduce students to matrices and graphs. The well-known Don Cohen wrote a book called Changing Shapes with Matrices. He called it, “A book for ages 7 to adult – for people into computer graphics, morphs, how living things differ in shape, or just in the fun and power of being able to change a 2-D shape, oneself, quickly and easily.” Twenty years ago, Don’s work was one of the inspirations for starting Natural Math. Now Shelley Nash offers it as a self-paced or live experience.
When your child joins this camp, they’ll make new friends and enjoy mathematics together. They’ll discover that math is more broad than they may have supposed. You’ll be able to rest assured that they are learning even more than they realize, all from the comfort of your own home!
What will children learn? They will…
- …Do a lot of number practice without it being tedious.
- …Be encouraged to look for and predict patterns.
- …Learn coordinates.
- …Learn what a matrix is and how to multiply a matrix by another matrix.
- …Learn how matrices underlie programming and graphics.
- …Grow their math eyes for noticing how transformations happen in nature.
- …Enjoy the chance to visualize math in action.
- …Be introduced to GeoGebra, a powerful modeling tool for algebra and geometry.
- (Psst! It’s Linear Algebra and Cartesian Geometry, if you want to be really formal!)
How it works
Your child logs into a live online class each day during camp, or works along the video of the self-paced version. We meet and try out the activities using an interactive whiteboard and pencil and graph paper. It’s a fun, interactive hour of math each day! You’ll receive a PDF of the book Don wrote, so that you can revisit these activities again and again.
The Details!
- What: One week daily, live online, math camp, now with a self-paced version.
- Why: This class is a fun way to learn about matrices, graphing, coordinates, and more!
- Who: Children ages 9-15, (parents welcome!) with Shelley Nash as organizer.
- When: Next Session TBA
- Where: Online video-talk software Zoom (similar to Skype), or YouTube videos.
- Price: Registration is $75 per family for the live camp, or name your own price for the self-paced camp. Includes a PDF copy of the booklet. Bring a friend and save! (Email us after your friend registers. Include their name and email, and you’ll both get 10% off.)
- Supplies: Pencil, graph paper, calculator, GeoGebra (free software).

Are you ready to give your child a taste of the transforming power of math? Sign up today!
- Type the price you choose. The window is filled with $30 by default
- Click the Register button.

Questions before you sign up? Email Shelley at Share this opportunity with a friend!
 Shelley Nash is the mom of seven amazing and challenging kids ages 15 to 3. For over 20 years, she has been driven by an insatiable desire to understand learning, education, education’s role in our society and personal development, and the role of technology in learning. She is passionate about letting children own their education and learning, and about discovering the elements that inspire learning in all of us. She currently leads two online math circles and loves her work at and as a mother. She has been leading online math courses, circles, and workshops for 2 years and has taught online for homeschoolers for almost 5 years. She loves the interaction with the students and families that she gets to have through Natural Math! |

We embrace all the principles of Natural Math in our online camp. Especially relevant are Adventure and Bridges!
Questions? Email or ask in comments to this page.
- Connection and devices: you will need fast internet to watch and listen. It’s better to have a microphone and a webcam so you can show and tell as well, but you can also use text chat. We recommend larger screens rather than phones.
- Software: Zoom is a tool for talking, like Skype or Google Hangouts. Please download and try it, here: The same page has the link to a tech support center, in case you need it.
- Recording: The meetings will be available to course participants as YouTube videos.