Math Circles
Math circles are informal groups for exploring mathematics together. This page features flyers and extra resources for circles at Natural Math and our math friends. Want to find or start a math circle? We can help!
Current math circles

- Mobius Noodles Math Circle for students in grades k-1 and their families, on Saturdays at UNC Chapel Hill, NC
- Beginners Math Circle for students in grades 1-3 and their families, on Saturdays at UNC Chapel Hill, NC
- new! Cary Math Circle for students in ages 5 and up with their families, in English and Spanish, on Wednesdays in downtown Cary, NC
- Bluebird Math Circle for middle and high schools, their teachers, and any guests, on Thursdays in the hybrid format, online plus local schools from the Alliance of Indigenous Math Circle
- Smart Osvita Math Circle for students ages 5 and up with their families, in English and Ukrainian, on Fridays, online
- Orlando Math Circle for elementary students, on Thursdays, online
Fibonacci Day 11/23On Fibonacci Day every year, we make art and create poetry using the ancient sequence popularized by the Italian merchant-mathematician. Please grab our 4-page flyer. This year, we ran this math circle with:
- Orlando Math Circle, online (grades 1-4) home page
- Smart Osvita Math Circle, online (5-9 year old) home page
- Mobius Noodles (grades k-1 + parents) and Beginners (grades 1-3 + parents) at Chapel Hill Math Circle, NC home page
More resources |
Mirror Books and Infinity RoomsThis topic is one of my all-time favorites because it’s so beautiful! Please grab our 3-page flyer. We ran this math circle on October 7 with Mobius Noodles (grades k-1 + parents) and Beginners (grades 1-3 + parents) at Chapel Hill Math Circle, NC home page
More resources | Math Storytelling Day 9/25In 2023, our theme for Math Storytelling Day is infinite sequences and series. Grab our 3-page flyer and check out extra resources below. 
More resources Live groups running activities from this flyer in 2023 - 9/20 Cary Math Circle, NC (5-10 year old + parents) new!
- 9/21 Orlando Math Circle, online (grades 1-4) home page
- 9/22 Smart Osvita Math Circle, online (5-9 year old) home page
- 9/23 Mobius Noodles (grades k-1 + parents) and Beginners (grades 1-3 + parents) at Chapel Hill Math Circle, NC home page