Veronica’s Multiplication: a Natural Math circle online
If your 6-10 year old children understand what multiplication is, but want to become more fluent, this math circle is for you! Veronica will lead a math circle meeting to help each participant make games. The goal of the games is to learn a family of facts (patterns) from the times table. Children will remix games and patterns for math variety, and play by themselves or with friends to become fluent.
Watch Veronica explaining a version of her game:
This circle was born after Veronica and her mom took the Multiplication Explorers online course. Veronica loved the activities, but grew sad when they ran out (her actual words were “about to have a heart attack”). Dr. Maria Droujkova invited Veronica to design her own activities. After much brainstorming and testing with friends, our youngest math circle leader is ready to share her joy! Mathematics will be so much better with more young people designing learning experiences.
When you sign up for this math circle, you will get access to Multiplication Explorers course materials that explain patterns in time tables. Veronica’s games take these ideas to the next level.
Imagine a friendly group of children, parents, and teachers playing with mathematical ideas and objects. Participants ask questions, pose problems, create games, build models, share patterns, and choose what works for them – in short, make their own math. We meet online to talk live, and on the forums to exchange pictures and stories. Our mathematics is easy and complex, free and open, adventurous and supporting. You can try a math circle with us online, then invite local friends to keep going.
A note for grown-ups: a math circle is different from an online class where you learn by following ready-made curriculum materials. Your role in a circle is more active. Circle leaders help you to remix, adapt, and co-design each activity with and for your children. Our goal is for each participant to have a unique adventure, but shared with friends, family, and other circle participants. Sharing helps you reflect on math and learning. Together, we create an abundance of beautiful, useful, and joyful mathematics!
Hi, my name is Veronica and I love Math and Science!
I just finished 3d grade math and I can’t wait to learn more. I love playing with my cat and watching him do funny things like chase his tail! In my free time, I usually call my friends, play outside, or draw. My most favorite thing to do is read.
Have a nice day!!
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