Category: Newsletter

Ying and the Magic Turtle math story book: newsletter July 25

Ying and the Magic Turtle

Big news! Natural Math is ready to publish our next book, Ying and the Magic Turtle – and with your help, this can happen soon. Ying and the Magic Turtle is a story book about mathematics, problems solving and the rewards

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Natural Math authors invite you for beta testing – Newsletter January 16

Bard Math Circle

#MathPunday Math Punday is Monday: the day to share math jokes on social media. I love Zeno’s paradoxes, and hope this recent post makes you and your children smile: Math pun by Beta Readers All activities in Natural Math books are

Posted in Newsletter

Funville is out, and our holiday sale – Newsletter November 27

Funville Adventures

Funville Adventures is out! Our newest book for children ages 5 and up is out. Big thanks to the fabulous crowdfunders that made it possible! Funville is a math-inspired fantasy adventure by Sasha Fradkin and Allison Bishop, where functions come to life as magical

Posted in Newsletter

Inspiration for Your Renaissance Teen, and Math PhD Teaching Elementary School – Newsletter June 10

Support Funville and Math Renaissance

Math is what you make of it! Making math your own is the motto of Natural Math. Hundreds of your stories, interviews, and comments on chapter drafts went into Math Renaissance – the future readers, making the book address their needs.

Posted in Newsletter