Tag: newsletter

Multiplication Explorers LIVE March 28-20, bloggers at play, book bundle sale: Newsletter March 19, 2016

Multiplication Explorers LIVE 2016

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Multiplication Explorers LIVE March 28-30   We are running a live, highly interactive online workshop for 25 parents, math circle leaders, and teachers, with children ages 2 and up, on March 28-30, with live meetings

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Where’s math in this play? Open Minds book is out, and our new book bundle. Newsletter March 7, 2016

Playing With Blocks 2016 miniposter

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Where is mathematics? Playing with blocks online, March 10 Sian Zelbo, a co-author and illustrator of the popular math circle and family book Camp Logic, is working on her next book, Playing With Blocks. Parents and teachers

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Playing With Blocks: Newsletter March 2, 2016

Playing With Blocks 2016

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Playing With Blocks ideas, and a workshop on March 10 Sian Zelbo, a co-author and illustrator of the popular math circle and family book Camp Logic, is working on her next book, Playing With Blocks. You can

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Calculus for 5-12 yo (grown-up workshop) on March 2, samples to try, shenanigans: Newsletter February 26, 2016

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Inspired by Calculus on March 2 We had a lot of requests to repeat the Inspired by Calculus online workshop for parents, teachers, and their children ages 5-12. We will run another session with three

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter