Newsletter April 15, 2013

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I am Moby Snoodles, and I love to hear from you at

Moby Snoodles



This week, I am a believer in the goodness of the Universe, and in the power of the people: “Where there is a will, there is a way!” Hundreds of parents, mathematicians, and educators gave advice, tested games with their kids, shared stories and ideas, debugged the math, crowdfunded the project, helped to spread the word, and cheered one another on.

And finally, the Moebius Noodles book – your book – is here! THANK YOU!

Moebius Noodles Cover


Reviewers say the book is beautiful, smart, and meaningful. I am in love too! It also has an open license, so you are welcome to remix the games, translate the book into other languages, and show the book to friends and colleagues. You can preview pages, buy the paperback or download the PDF here: Please spread the word!

For supporters who crowdfunded the project: your copies of Moebius Noodles will be on the way within the next few weeks.

What is next? First and foremost, we will be helping more and more people to play adventurous Moebius Noodles math with their kids, and to discuss it with like-minded grown-ups. That will be the goal of virtual and physical book tours, workshops, and events. At the same time, we will be working on other authoring projects inspired by the success of the first one.

Available now:

Coming soon:

  • James Tanton and the Moebius Noodles crew adapt ten powerful problem-solving techniques for toddlers and young kids
  • Oleg Gleizer and Olga Radko use the Moebius Noodles co-creation process to make a booklet on combinatorics (Young diagrams)
  • A large group (anonymous for now) puts together a collection of calculus games, fables and jokes (short-hand abstractions) accessible to five-year-olds

Join us for more adventurous math for the playground crowd!


You are welcome to share the contents of this newsletter online or in print. You can also remix and tweak anything here as you wish, as long as you share your creations on the same terms. Please credit

More formally, we distribute all Moebius Noodles content under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license: CC BY-NC-SA



Talk to you again on April 30th!

Moby Snoodles, aka Dr. Maria Droujkova

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