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Playing With Blocks ideas, and a workshop on March 10
Sian Zelbo, a co-author and illustrator of the popular math circle and family book Camp Logic, is working on her next book, Playing With Blocks. You can grab this Math Spark and play-test an activity from the book with your children: easy, addictive, smart toothpick puzzles!

Sally Bishop, an enthusiastic Natural Math leader, has joined Sian to offer an online workshop centered on the new book’s ideas. It runs on March 10 and 11, and is for parents and teachers with children ages 5-12.
What do you get if you join Playing With Blocks workshop?
- A highly interactive experience where you make models, talk, and collaborate with 24 other parents and teachers. We keep our groups small.
- Leading your children or students on playful math adventures.
- The first meeting in a math circle format (you as a student!) to see how to run these activities, and to get inspired.
- A day to try activities with children and friends
- The second meeting to answer your questions, overview other activities, and prepare to do more with children.
- Insight on how to adapt puzzles and problems to facilitate endless math exploration.
- Make an impact on another Natural Math book by sharing your ideas directly with the author
- (The crowdfunding option) Your name as one of crowdfunders in Sian Zelbo’s new book, Playing With Blocks, and the paperback and ebook copies (~Fall 2016)
- Most importantly, you’ll get the confidence in your own ability to do math differently in your family or group!

Dr. Maria Droujkova and the Natural Math crew

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