Month: June 2016

Crowdfunding at 80%, summer kids math, Reddit AMA: Newsletter June 24

AMA MariaDroujkova

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Avoid Hard Work: crowdfunding is almost at 80% Avoid Hard Work is our newest book. It gives a playful view on ten powerful problem-solving techniques, originally published by the Mathematical Association of America for advanced high

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Funville Adventures beta testing; Avoid Hard Work campaign at 25%! Newsletter June 14

Functions of Funville

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Get involved: Funville Adventures beta testing The goals of this two-day workshop are 1) to give parents and teachers new tools for introducing children to mathematical concepts in the form of fantasy stories and 2)

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Avoid Hard Work! Crowdfunding – Newsletter June 8, 2016

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Check out Avoid Hard Work! – problem-solving for the young and the young at heart Avoid Hard Work by Maria Droujkova, James Tanton, and Yelena McManaman gives a playful view on ten powerful problem-solving techniques. It is for

Posted in Newsletter