Year: 2016

Kingdom on the Wall, Multiplication is Calculus, Math Inspirations: Newsletter March 23, 2016

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Kingdom on the Wall: a new Physics+Math+Art adventure for your children! HIGHLIGHTS of what your children and you get from our new workshop: all Kingdom on the Wall recordings; advanced topics in algebra and geometry

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Multiplication Explorers LIVE March 28-20, bloggers at play, book bundle sale: Newsletter March 19, 2016

Multiplication Explorers LIVE 2016

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Multiplication Explorers LIVE March 28-30   We are running a live, highly interactive online workshop for 25 parents, math circle leaders, and teachers, with children ages 2 and up, on March 28-30, with live meetings

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Making Rice & Understanding Circumference

pot of rice

Rice and circumference go together? Why, yes, they do! Yesterday, I was playing with the Going in Circles spark from the Inspired by Calculus class with my online class and my children. We did this activity. We had so much

Posted in A Math Circle Journey

Where’s math in this play? Open Minds book is out, and our new book bundle. Newsletter March 7, 2016

Playing With Blocks 2016 miniposter

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook  Where is mathematics? Playing with blocks online, March 10 Sian Zelbo, a co-author and illustrator of the popular math circle and family book Camp Logic, is working on her next book, Playing With Blocks. Parents and teachers

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter