Book Update – Now Shipping

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Packing Moebius Noodles books

Last Monday, just 7 days ago, two things happened. Our area of North Carolina got hit with a late winter storm (hopefully, the last one for the season) and Maria Droujkova’s interview appeared in The Atlantic. Guess which of these two events had a greater effect on us. Hint: it wasn’t the storm.

The Article

So, first, the great news. The article was widely shared and discussed online. The comments we read, whether on The Atlantic’s site, on Reddit, YCombinator, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and in other communities, these comments were terrific. So many touching stories were shared; so many important questions were asked; so many ideas were voiced!

Many of the readers visited our website. Many downloaded the PDF and Kindle versions of our book, Moebius Noodles. Perhaps you already started to read, or tried an activity or two. When you get a chance, please share your thoughts (and maybe even pictures) with us. You can do so by posting to our Facebook page, commenting here on the blog, or e-mailing us at

If you downloaded a copy of the book, you might be wondering what you should be doing next. Our book is not a curriculum. It does not have a schedule or a must-follow progression for doing any of the activities. We realize it can be a bit disorienting and we are here to help. So we put some suggestions in the “What Comes Next?” section of this post.

Now Shipping!

Many of you have ordered a paper copy of the book either directly at our site or at We are overwhelmed at such a response, both emotionally and in a very physical sense. So here’s what’s going on with the paper book orders and why.

A couple of years ago, as we were writing the book, we agreed on keeping it open and available to all. To achieve it, we decided to offer PDF downloads as name-your-own-price and become our own shipping and handling department for the paper copies (to keep their price low). This worked fine when we were getting a trickle of orders. But since last week we got flooded with book orders. And sending out lots and lots of books in a short period of time presents unique challenges.

But, after spending a few days packing all the orders, signing all the thank you notes, and taping down all the shipping labels, we are caught up and the books are on their way.

We estimate that, given no freaky weather, most of the books sent to the addresses in the US should get to you by the end of the week. It will take a bit longer for the international buyers, including all our friends in Canada. If you don’t get your order in the next 10-14 business days, drop us a line at

What Comes Next?

As we have mentioned, we are jumping for joy from the discussions that followed the article and from all the questions and comments we continue to receive. Many touch up on very important topics – research into cognitive development, pathways to mathematical fluency, need for passionate teachers and math circle leaders, to name a few. We’d like to answer them all as soon as we’re done with the shipping the books.

And as we have also mentioned, we expect a lot of “ok, I have your book, now help me get oriented and get started” questions. And we also expect many “Book or no book, how and where do I get started” questions.

That’s why we have the Ask Forum at the ready. Ask away and we will help you out. Aside from our sage guidance, you will also be able to benefit from advice and insight of some of the most knowledgeable and friendliest folks with a deep interest and passion in early math education – mathematicians, mathematics educators, and math circle leaders.

If you are not sure what to ask, you can just browse or add your voice to an already-existing discussion, for example

If you want to talk by email, write to any time!

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