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Lapware – short and mathy video, applet, or computer game that parents keep handy for those moments when a child comes to a computer. Spend a few moments watching or playing, then chat about what you saw and did. It’s fun; it’s unexpected; it’s math.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? E-mail us at and we’ll dig it up. Have a great math video or a lapware to share? E-mail it to us and, if it’s as great as you say it is, we’ll add it to the list.

Cows & cows & cows – Some young kids absolutely love weird visuals and others find them disturbing. Do you think your kid will like this “fractal cow” movie?

The Page Turner – Children find Rube Goldberg machines fascinating. We do too. Here’s a fun (but also a bit sad and contemplative) video of a page-turning machine.

Geom-e-Tree – If you have an iPad, you might want to download this app to get your and your child’s daily doze of geometry (yes, we know you crave fractal cookies as much as we do). If you don’t have an iPad, watch this Geom-e-Tree video instead.

The Dot and the Line – This is a classic that doesn’t need a lengthy introduction.

Geometry of Circles – More geometry? Yes, please! Watch this video. Let’s just say Sesame Street used to be a lot different back in the days.

3D Functions – This little pretty thing requires very little math knowledge. Just replace numbers in the formula at the top of the screen and observe the changes. When we tried it, we plugged family members’ ages into the formula to get our 3D Function portraits.

Cell Size and Scale – For kids who love to explore the microscopic, this is a beautiful interactive activity. It only uses a slider for control, so if you have a touch screen, even a toddler can enjoy it.

Cell Size and Scale, Part II – If your child liked Part I, she will love Part II. Explore the Universe and learn about scale, the basic numeracy concept.

Origami Player – What is an Origami Player – a) someone who plays with origami… a lot; b) a child-friendly origami animation site. Children can learn some important math values, such as precision and modularity, from doing origami.

Inspiration – Ever wonder what M.C. Escher’s studio might had looked like? Check out this animation for some ideas.

Kinetic Rain – another example of beautiful math that is also art. A computational designer worked on making this world’s largest kinetic sculpture come to life.

Fractal Explorer – use a set of sliders or type in values to create ever-changing images, from binary trees to snowflakes.

Velocity Raptorrelativity comes to life as the little raptor tries to make it across the playing field at near light speed. The faster you move, the weirder things look in accordance with the Relativity Theory, of course. When you get tired of it, try more fun math and physics games on the same page.





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