Subscribe I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. I love to hear from you at WOW – Multiplication! An open online course for parents and teachers To sign up or for more info, email Multiplication and division are…
This week, I attended an O’Reilly webinar by Stephen Wendel about his upcoming book, Designing for Behavior Change. O’Relly’s staged publishing process is one of the inspirations for how we do things at Moebius Noodles. The feedback from the webinar…
Looking at many polished photos of other people’s gorgeous vacations leads to depression, as Jessica Winter summarizes in Selfie-Loathing. What happens when students keep looking at perfectly solved problems, smooth proofs of theorems, and flawless geometric constructions? They get math anxiety!…
Read past issues | Visit the course page | Follow Moebius Noodles on Facebook Time flies when you do math! Our open online course Problem Solving for the Young, the Very Young and the Young at Heart is almost over. This is the final…