Year: 2013

Outdoors and body-scale math collection

Sand Spiral

What does your children’s summer math time look like? Perhaps it is filled with worksheets and arithmetic drills similar to what they get to do the rest of the year. If that’s the case, it is time to get outside,

Posted in Make

Science Cafe, chats, problem solving: Newsletter July 15, 2013

Subscribe I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. I love to hear from you at Have us over for a chat! This week, Maria Droujkova and Yelena McManaman presented a Science Cafe talk at the North Carolina Museum

Posted in Newsletter

mpsMOOC13 Observer July 8: Problems 4-6, Minecraft, the Cat, paper dolls

Minecraft Menger

Subscribe to receive the mpsMOOC13 Observer by email | Read past issues | Visit the course page | Follow Moebius Noodles on Facebook This is the news from the open online course Problem Solving for the Young, the Very Young, and the Young at Heart. ASSIGNMENTS

Posted in Grow

mpsMOOC13 Observer July 5: Sign-up; why and how; calculus for seven-year-olds

Subscribe to receive the mpsMOOC13 Observer by email | Read past issues | Visit the course page This is the news from the open online course Problem Solving for the Young, the Very Young, and the Young at Heart. ASSIGNMENTS By July 7: Plan the

Posted in Grow