Year: 2015

Calculus for Kids April 24, 2015 (Fridays)

Sun Snail Integration

This week, we created the same object in several different ways. The goal was still to make shapes out of shapes, but this time, we compared and contrasted different ways of doing so. Do we place pieces at random like

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Calculus for Kids April 17, 2015 (Fridays)

Big Circle

This week was all about Flatland. Download the Math Spark that invites you to travel to Flatland with us. Before new activities, we sat and reflected on what math we had noticed last week. Check out what we call “mathematical faces”

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Calculus for Kids April 12, 2015 (Sundays)


This is a photo gallery for a math circle called Calculus for Kids, in Cary, NC. Math circles are informal groups where children, their families, and teachers explore math together. This session was our first introduction to making shapes out

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Calculus for Kids April 10, 2015 (Fridays)

April 102015 CalculusForKids

This is a photo gallery for a math circle called Calculus for Kids, in Cary, NC. Math circles are informal groups where children, their families, and teachers explore math together. This session was our first introduction to making shapes out

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