Year: 2013

STEMx online conference and resource lists: Newsletter September 15

Subscribe  I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. I love to hear from you at STEMx Conference Maria Droujkova and Dmitri Droujkov will be presenting “Advanced Math for the Young, the Very Young, and the Young at Heart”

Posted in Newsletter

Parent roles in a Math Circle

Art of Inquiry

This list is from Julia Brodsky’s upcoming book of Math Circle activities, “The Art of Inquiry.” Sometimes your group has a leader and kids, and that’s it. But other times, parents or other grown-ups want to join. What will everybody

Posted in Grow

6 ways to collect multiplication pictures

Collect Multiplication Pictures

1. Collect pictures of times table facts for a poster 2. Put pictures in Robinsunne’s multiplication clock 3. Collect from the same context, theme, or story Animal legs for x2? What multiplication can you find in Star Wars, Harry Potter,

Posted in Grow

12 models of multiplication

Multiplication Models poster

These models come from 24×36 inch full-color glossy poster. – –

Posted in Grow