Today is The Day! March 25th, the Math Storytelling Day is here. And we are sharing with you math stories (in verse and in drawings) sent by Carol and the students at the CHS Teen Algebra Club. Telling stories helps us to understand our students, to make mathematics beautiful, and to reach out to others in the Natural Math community. Do you have a story to share? Perhaps it just happened today or this post reminded you of something that happened a long time ago. It is not too late to
Send your pictures and/or stories to and tell us how to credit your picture: your name(s) and location. For every 20 stories we get by the end of the day today, we will randomly select one. Its author will receive our official limited edition MATH IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT! t-shirt.
Carol, the Headmaster of Heroic University, where they celebrate and develop heroes in all disciplines and all walks of life, submitted this limerick:
In my quest for a worthy math hero,
I’m finding who created zero.
Babylon and Mayans,
And then Indians….
I put my math story up on my blog. It was a case of, “For me, math is… noticing what’s around you and wondering about whatever you find.” Math Storytelling Day: The Hospital Floor