Author: MariaD

Math Cafe, holidays <3, three new book and course projects: Newsletter January 31

Math Cafe

Got this from a friend? Subscribe!  I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. Send me your requests, questions and comments at Math Cafe February 18 Several of us at Natural Math are long-time fans of Science Cafes. Yelena McManaman

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3D illusions, function machine props, tech for math ed online course: newsletter January 17, 2014

Multiplication Table To Scale

Got this from a friend? Subscribe!  I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. Send me your requests, questions and comments at More about the multiplication  project For those who follow our multiplication adventures, here are more details.  The next multiplication-centered

Posted in Newsletter

Math mind hacks: Guesstimate


Photo from Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research. Estimation is a skill everyone uses. You estimate how much cheese is enough for your party, or how long it takes you to drive to your friend’s house. But some people estimate much

Posted in Grow

Math goggles: subitizing, unitizing, counting

Does instant recognition of numbers undermine the number sense?

Math goggles help you notice math everywhere. Here is something to notice: mathematics is not about numbers, it’s about patterns. When mathematicians deal with numbers, they use systems and formulas. Young mathematicians can start learning this wizardry from simple visual patterns.

Posted in Grow