Category: Make & Grow

Book Clubs and Community-Responsive Math Circles

Cary Math Circle January 2024

Hello, math friend! I’m Dr. Maria Droujkova, director of Natural Math and co-president of the Natural Math Alliance. Please write any time at if you have a question or would like to talk about learning advanced mathematics in kind ways. Meanwhile,

Posted in Make & Grow, Newsletter

Q&A: Multiplication and Jo Boaler?

Fractal Valentine Multiplication Explorers

We regularly receive emails with great questions about various approaches to math education. Dr. Maria answers them by email. You can ask your question here. We edit some of the answers to share at this blog. Names and personal details

Posted in Grow, Make & Grow

Sunflower Bluebird Pi Day 2023

This year, Natural Math is celebrating Pi Day with many math friends around the world. We’ve been partying for weeks! Today, we celebrate at the big event organized by the Junior Academy  of Sciences of Ukraine and the Bluebird Math Circle,

Posted in Make & Grow

Calm Math Playlist: Learn to lead online groups

Natural Math Online

Do you want to lead online math circles or casual math playdates for friends and family? Join Dr. Maria Droujkova and math friends for a live online event. We will explore a few activities together. We will also share online

Posted in A Math Circle Journey, Grow