Want to participate in citizen science, collecting data of children’s math art? Happy to display your child’s creations beyond your the fridge? Then send us grid drawings! Thank you, Alexia Idoura, Maria Genkin, and Dan White for sharing your children’s…
Got this from a friend? Reading online? Subscribe! I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. Send me your requests, questions and comments at moby@moebiusnoodles.com Questions and answers Help @remypoon at the Ask and Tell hub with this new question: How…
Infinite thanks to everyone who participates in our math adventures – kids, parents, teachers, readers, developers, artists, writers, researchers! Thank you, friends! You can make your own fractal words with FractType, and nested fractals with PhotoSpiralysis.
All the photos from this club | Parent notes This week we had a high-energy meeting with longer flows. When I run math circles, I prepare about five times more activities than I think I’ll need. Sometimes an activity does not…