Year: 2013

Inspired by Calculus: Friday math circle, Week 1

These are notes from a Math Circle for children ages 4-5 and their parents. The goal of the first meeting on October 11 was to introduce cycles, iterations, and infinity. We had about a dozen quick activities, half of them

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Inspired by Calculus: Thursday math circle, Week 2

This week, we tackled the idea that infinitely many things don’t have to add up to infinitely large space. The idea is deep, but young children don’t have the mental resistance to it yet. But they do feel the sense

Posted in Grow

Math Teachers at Play Blog Carnival #67

Want to write about playful math for the next carnival? See a blog post you like? Submit your links at Math Teachers at Play! Deep math Evens and odds at f(t) Kate usually works with older kids. Following comments from

Posted in Grow

Inspired by Calculus: Tuesday math circle, week 2

These are notes about a Math Circle we run in Apex, NC. The main goal of this meeting was to explore the idea of limits. But the term “limit” is yet to come up! It’s a deep idea that has

Posted in Grow