Camp Logic : special edition of newsletter, May 14, 2014

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I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. Send me your questions, comments, and stories of math adventures at

Moby Snoodles

Deep and playful mathematics for older kids

Camp Logic Cover

If you played through the Moebius Noodles book, participated in our multiplication course, or followed the Inspired by Calculus posts  – and wished for playful and deep math like this, but for older kids – then I have great news for you! I am very happy to present Camp Logic by Mark Saul and Sian Zelbo, a book we will produce this year. I first met Mark at a conference of the National Association of Math Circles. Every Math Circle has a unique flavor; not all are compatible. I knew right away that Mark and I share many design principles and education values. In their math circles, Mark and Sian invite children to explore the underlying structure of mathematics through playful and informal tasks. And in Camp Logic, Mark and Sian share their art and craft with parents and teachers.

Crowdfunding: help to publish Camp Logic!

Here is Mark and Sian’s announcement from our crowdfunding page:

Camp Logic is a book for teachers, parents, math circle leaders, and anyone who nurtures the intellectual development of children. It is not necessary to have any mathematical background at all to use these activities – only to have a willingness to dig in and work toward solving problems where there is no clear path to a solution.

You can help us publish Camp Logic! Let your friends, colleagues, and the world know you want children to enjoy the underlying structures of math: share the campaign’s page on your sites, blogs, and social media. Join the crowdfunding event to contribute money for editing, printing, and distributing the book, and to field test the activities. The book will by published in 2014, under an open Creative Commons license.

Mark Saul and Sian Zelbo, authors
Learn More

What parents and math circle leaders say

Sandy Papanek, a math circle parent: Congratulations, Sian and Mark! You have inspired so many children in our community. Now kids (and adults) all over the world will have access to your brilliant and exciting approach to math.

Ashley Ahlin, Michigan State University camp leader: I’m planning our summer math camps at MSU, and would love to use some of this material!

Amanda Serenevy, director of  the Riverbend Community Math Center: I look forward to using this book with our students!

Kathy MacGovan, a math circle parent: Sian gave my daughter the gift of Math! A girl who was not sure about it was transformed into a confident, excited, inventive student.
May her book inspire hundreds of children in the same way. Congratulations Sian!

Chapter preview unlocked for everyone

The draft of the book is already written, discussed with experienced math circle leaders, and illustrated. We are conducting broader beta testing during this crowdfunding campaign. Contributors have a chance to give their feedback for all parts of the manuscript. The campaign reached its first milestone within two days of its start, and now preview and commenting on the first chapter is open for the general public.

Read about Mark and Sian, see the chapter, and learn more about the book at the campaign’s page.

Learn More


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Talk to you soon! Moby Snoodles, aka Dr. Maria Droujkova

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