Month: September 2014

Math Storytelling Day: Featuring Carol and the CHS Teen Algebra Club

Today is The Day! March 25th, the Math Storytelling Day is here. And we are sharing with you math stories (in verse and in drawings) sent by Carol and the students at the CHS Teen Algebra Club. Telling stories helps

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Boomerangs for peace, a cognitive experiment to try, math stories: newsletter September 16, 2014

Kibbe Gator Experiments

Subscribe and read archives Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook | Google+  Hi, I am Moby from the Moebius Noodles project, bringing you the news about Natural Math. Send me your questions, comments, and stories of math adventures at In this newsletter: Easy to make boomerang –

Posted in Newsletter

Math Storytelling Day: featuring Sheryl, Irina, Anna, and Jevanyn

Sheryl Morris Math Story

Today, we share with you math stories sent by Sheryl, Irina, Anna, and Jevanyn. Telling stories helps us to understand our students, to make mathematics beautiful, and to reach out to others in the Natural Math community. To celebrate Math Storytelling

Posted in Make

Interview with Dr. Melissa Kibbe: cognitive psychology of kids ages 4-6 learning algebra

Kibbe Doing Experiments

Dr. Melissa M. Kibbe is assistant professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Boston University. She received her PhD in Cognitive Psychology from Rutgers University in 2011, after which she completed postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Kibbe’s research focuses on

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