Tag: early math

Press Here

Have you read this book? Maybe “read” is not exactly the word here. Have you played this book yet? If not, go ahead and give it a try. The idea is simple – each page of the book tells you

Posted in Grow

No Manipulatives Days

These have been our math manipulatives for the last couple of weeks. Here they are lined up from largest to smallest. We usually use a lot of manipulatives with my son. But not this week. It was interesting to see

Posted in Grow

Greedy Triangle Math

We’ve had such a great time with Marilyn Burns’s The Greedy Triangle book that I want to share it here on the blog. If you haven’t read this story, it is about a triangle that one day got tired of

Posted in Grow

Teach Your Child to Count

Does this look like a lot of spacecrafts to you? This is just a small part of my son’s collection. Sure does come in handy when it’s time to learn counting.  I am an anxious mom. There, I’ve said it!

Posted in Grow