Tag: preschool math activities

Avoid Hard Work is Lots of Fun!

I recently had the chance to play around with the newest book here at Natural Math called Avoid Hard Work…and other Encouraging Mathematical Problem-Solving Tips for the Young, the Very Young, and the Young at Heart, by Maria Droujkova, James

Posted in A Math Circle Journey

Small Moments of Math

Today’s post comes from the wonderful Malke Rosenfeld of Map is Not the Territory blog. Malke combined her background as a percussive dancer with her love of math in a unique Math in Your Feet program. It is a fusion

Posted in Grow

Rube Thursday

Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. Have you built any lately? Building an RGM with a little one presents its own unique challenges. One is that RGM

Posted in Grow

Rube Thursday

Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. Have you ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine in action? They are beautiful contraptions, so you can be almost certain to

Posted in Grow