Month: October 2013

Inspired by Calculus: Tuesday math circle, week 2

These are notes about a Math Circle we run in Apex, NC. The main goal of this meeting was to explore the idea of limits. But the term “limit” is yet to come up! It’s a deep idea that has

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Guest post: Math for a budding biologist

Karen Samuel Boley is the education director for Budding Biologist, a science ed company created by parents, for parents. Check out their Kickstarter for an ecological video game. When we think of the convergence of math and science, we think

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SAS family math event, September 26th 2013

We will be planning a fancy tea party – for math. So we can do math with friends! I have several grandparents who may be interested in a Math Circle for their grandchildren. We grandparents have good opportunities for math,

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Inspired by Calculus: Thursday Math Circle Week 1

This Math Circle report has three parts. The first part summarizes “whys” behind club activities, and gives ideas on what to do at home. The second part has samples of what the group said and done, from Yelena McManaman. The

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