Year: 2014

1001 Leaders: dad and son organize Raleigh Advanced Science Club

RASC team

David Handy is a computer engineer and a homeschooling dad of four. He started a math, science, and programming science club to help youth, including his son Evan, to succeed in challenging technical studies in college, in their careers, and in

Posted in A Math Circle Journey, Grow

1001 Leaders: EuclidKids LLC begins as a friend helps a friend’s 5 year old

Powers Of Two

Marcia Cooke is the author of two beautiful toys, called Powers of Two and Binomial Squares. They can be used to explore infinity, series, multiplication and proportions, place value, and equations with young children. Marcia likes to meet children and

Posted in A Math Circle Journey, Make

Math mind hacks: Solve it many ways

Solve Many Ways

  Math Mind Hacks is a series of mini-posters about quick, smart activities that grow mathematical minds. Today’s poster is inspired by a quote from George Polya, a mathematics educator most famous for his work on accessible, meaningful, fun problem-solving techniques.

Posted in Grow

1001 Leaders – Interview with Jane Kats

Jane Katz chalk graphs

This is an interview with Jane Kats, an early childhood educator, math circle leader, author and math enthusiast. Jane talks about her math circles, what parents can do to help kids enjoy math, and what they should avoid. Jane shares

Posted in A Math Circle Journey, Make