Year: 2012

Rube Thursday

Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. If you think about it, a car can be considered a Rube Goldberg machine, especially if you use it to drive

Posted in Grow

Teach Your Child to Count

Does this look like a lot of spacecrafts to you? This is just a small part of my son’s collection. Sure does come in handy when it’s time to learn counting.  I am an anxious mom. There, I’ve said it!

Posted in Grow

Rube Thursday

Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. Have you ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine in action? They are beautiful contraptions, so you can be almost certain to

Posted in Grow

Fun with Functions

httpv:// If you’ve been burned on school math, like I have, you might cringe at the idea of introducing functions to your child. Children don’t start studying functions until later in school. But why wait? After all, children learn about functions

Posted in Make