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Happy holidays! Welcome to adventurous math for the playground crowd. I am Moby Snoodles, and I love to hear from you at

Multiplication: From Worries To Dreams
From our Multiplication Planet pilot in 2008 to the WOW! Multiplication mini-course in September 2013, multiplication is a hot topic. We keep getting more questions and requests about it. For parents with young kids and even preteens, multiplication remains the source of worries and frustrations. Two roads starts to diverge around the time children encounter multiplication. Will your child use math to solve personal and societal problems, see math patterns everywhere in nature and culture, and enjoy meaningful intellectual play? Or will your child memorize without comprehension, fail to link math with the rest of life, and suffer through anxiety and boredom? We want to equip families with maps, gear, and supplies to travel the math roads they truly want. That’s why we are running another multiplication-centered event for parents, starting at the end of January! It will start with parent questions and live meetings, and end in producing the “State of Multiplication” summary of questions and answers – maybe with links and resources – maybe with a comprehensive web site – participants will decide! More details in the next newsletter. Email if you want to follow the project.
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Math mind hacks
Math mind hacks are practices, active values, and psychological tools for mathematical well-being. What hacks help you in math? Send them my way! Here is one of my favorites:
spaced repetition.
You are welcome to share, remix and tweak. Please credit under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license: CC BY-NC-SA.

Happy Holidays! See you next year, in two weeks!
Moby Snoodles, aka Dr. Maria Droujkova
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