Year: 2014

Math mind hack: Mention these things to make your kids instantly lose their math abilities

Stereotype Threat Math Mind Hack

We’ve all been there: you feel especially smart and funny when talking to a particular person, only to feel hopelessly unintelligent and inarticulate in the presence of another. Annie Murphy Paul Remind your daughter that girls are smart before she

Posted in Grow

1001 Circles: Stephen Taylor’s Zometool Adventures

The Star Thing

Have you ever dived into a river, lake, ocean, or pool? Have you ever done it in the dark or with your eyes closed? Much scarier, isn’t it?  The prospect of leading a math circle, even a small one – your

Posted in A Math Circle Journey, Make

#littlehousebigmath, and approaching maths backwards: Newsletter June 16, 2014


Subscribe to Moebius Noodles newsletters Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook | Google+  I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. Send me your questions, comments, and stories of math adventures at I am still wearing my math goggles from all the scavenger hunts we led

Posted in Newsletter

What Math Do You Have in Your House?

Last Saturday was crazy! The mini-Maker Faire NC was a large, noisy, bright and exciting event. 6000 people of all ages spent 8 hours 3D printing, sewing wearable electronics bowties, creating music with a few carrots and a MakeyMakey kit,

Posted in Grow