We are getting ready to present MoebiusNoodles (the book, the site, and the concept) at a brick-and-mortar showcase on June 2. And we need your help brainstorming ideas for our table. This year we decided to make Grids our theme.…
Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. Did Hogwash inspire you to think up or build crazy contraptions? Here’s another book we recently found, Lights Out by Arthur…
Robots are cool! Just ask any 5-year old (I just did a quick survey of 3 5-year olds and they confirmed it). So let’s play a game that is all about robots, math and silliness. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQtwV0Atzdc Objectifying people is dangerous,…