Year: 2012

Turn Your Child’s Bed Time into Fun Math Time

If you are like me, you are frequently short on time. And when we finally get an unexpected spare moment, we are so tired and so caught off guard, that it’s hard to figure out a fun math activity to

Posted in Make

Let’s Brainstorm!

We are getting ready to present MoebiusNoodles (the book, the site, and the concept) at a brick-and-mortar showcase on June 2. And we need your help brainstorming ideas for our table. This year we decided to make Grids our theme.

Posted in Grow

Rube Thursday

Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. Did Hogwash inspire you to think up or build crazy contraptions? Here’s another book we recently found, Lights Out by Arthur

Posted in Make

Silly Robot Math

Robots are cool! Just ask any 5-year old (I just did a quick survey of 3 5-year olds and they confirmed it). So let’s play a game that is all about robots, math and silliness. httpv:// Objectifying people is dangerous,

Posted in Make