Playful maker activities, free play, mathematical adventures and explorations.
September 25 is Math Storytelling Day! To celebrate that holiday, people tell mathematical stories to friends, family, and the whole internet. September 25 we celebrate pretend-play and traditional wisdom in mathematical stories from all over the world. Tell the classic, traditional…
My child has been playing with Perler beads for a while now making all sorts of things, including a map of Minecraft. So when I suggested making a multiplication table, the kid was very interested. Except a) I didn’t have…
Have you ever wondered why the Oriental Soroban abacus has 4 separate beads? It is in base 10, not 4 or 5, so why organize it that way? In response to yesterday’s post Hand tricks! Alexander Bogomolny linked his…
Using one’s hands is practically intuitive in the math world. Counting on one’s fingers is the most basic mathematical practice one could think of. But there is other more complex math you and your kid can do with your hands!…