Tag: early math

Rube Thursday

Happy Rube Thursday, a day to celebrate Rube Goldberg machines, the over-engineered contraptions that perform a very simple task. Have you ever seen a Rube Goldberg machine in action? They are beautiful contraptions, so you can be almost certain to

Posted in Grow

Fun with Functions

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlO8RvA3Jb4 If you’ve been burned on school math, like I have, you might cringe at the idea of introducing functions to your child. Children don’t start studying functions until later in school. But why wait? After all, children learn about functions

Posted in Make

Can You Let Them Fail?

One of the hardest things for me as a parent is to watch my son fail. I know I am not the only one like that – watching over our kids, protecting, suggesting right solutions, correcting just in time before

Posted in Grow

Just a Little Beautiful Math Thing

One of us, Maria, recently posted this on our Facebook page: This is what I call “lap-ware”: a little beautiful thing you show a toddler who climbs into your lap as you work on your computer. Even someone who knows

Posted in Make