Year: 2012

Newsletter August 30, 2012

Moby Snoodles

Subscribe Welcome to adventurous math for the playground crowd! I am Moby Snoodles, and I love to hear from you at Moby’s mail As Sue VanHattum guessed, my native language is Whalish. And now Ever discovers my favorite color is 33 80 DE.

Posted in Newsletter

Math Stories – Moebius Ants

httpv:// This is a story inspired by Vi Hart’s “Wind and Mr Ug” video. I so wanted to tell it to my son myself, but my drawing skills fall way short. So instead we talked about ants. Once upon a

Posted in Grow

Newsletter August 15, 2012

Subscribe | Read online Welcome to adventurous math for the playground crowd! I am Moby Snoodles, and I love to hear from you at   Moby’s mail I adored the responses to our last newsletter. It feels good when your work is

Posted in Newsletter

Knot Theory for Young Kids

Moby Snoodles

A couple of weeks ago I discovered a wonderful math blog called Math Munch. Now, with a name like this, you know this is going to be good! And it is even for someone who is not a professional mathematician

Posted in Make