Author: MariaD

“Adventurous Math” on Kindle; what is multiplication? Newsletter February 17

Ereader Cover

Subscribe to Moebius Noodles newsletters Pinterest | Twitter | Facebook | Google+  I am Moby Snoodles, and this is my newsletter. Send me your requests, questions and comments at Book news Adventurous Math for the Playground Crowd is now available for

Posted in Newsletter

Mirror book fractal stars

Mirror book fractal stars

Yelena McManaman’s son Mark loves deep ideas. Yelena writes: “Mark is obsessed with the idea of symmetry and infinity. Now he’s also trying to build up on his “zero infinity and infinite zero” ideas.” In one of his latest experiments, Mark

Posted in Make

One to one hundred: a series of posters from Mark Gonyea

Mark Gonyea 100 patterns

Mark Gonyea is an artist and graphic designer who recently crowd-funded an inventive and elegant series of 100-charts. The artwork caught my eye because the patterns were both adventurous and algebraic. Want to borrow my math goggles? Go on a

Posted in Make

Multiplication Towers

Multiplication Towers

Check out activity ideas, adaptations by ages, and even more examples of Multiplication Towers (plus 14 other awesome topics): Multiplication Explorers Self-Paced Course One of the wonders of the ancient times is that many tribes and nations from different continents

Posted in Grow