Learning for parents and Math Circle leaders: courses, events, lists, mind hacks, and interviews. The how-to of Natural Math.
Subscribe Welcome to adventurous math for the playground crowd! I am Moby Snoodles, and I love to hear from you at moby@moebiusnoodles.com Moby’s mail Bon “Math is not a four letter word” Crowder of, you guessed it, MathFour.com asks: Hey Moby! Can I…
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mdEsouIXGM This is a story inspired by Vi Hart’s “Wind and Mr Ug” video. I so wanted to tell it to my son myself, but my drawing skills fall way short. So instead we talked about ants. Once upon a…
Turns out, we’ve been nominated on the Circle of Moms Top 25 Teacher Moms Sites! And we are in a great company too, including Kim and Amanda from The Educators’ Spin On It. You remember their fun grid art activity…