Year: 2013

Newsletter January 30, 2013

Subscribe Welcome to adventurous math for the playground crowd! I am Moby Snoodles, and I love to hear from you at   Book news We are getting the last reviews in from the volunteer reviewers group that had a go before copy editing.

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Math Goggles #2 – Home Patternomics

ABAB visual pattern

It’s time to put on the Math Goggles (not sure what these are? Head over here to find out). Last week I invited you to search for math at your local library. But this week I haven’t had much free time for

Posted in Grow

Book review: “What’s unnatural?” by Jeremiah Dyke

What's Unnatural Math book

Making abstract entities into characters with their own looks and personalities is a great idea related to many traditions. “Flatland” featured creatures embodying shapes in different dimensions. More recently, moe anthropomorphisms embody entities such as Wikipedia: The book “What’s unnatural” by Jeremiah

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Math is Not a Worksheet

Moebius Noodles

httpv:// Some time ago Maria and I had a chance to present the Moebius Noodles project at an Open Source/Creative Commons event hosted by Red Hat. As we tried to distill our big ideas into a 3-minute presentation, we had

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